B’twixt and Between at St Giles for GHost’s two nights of classic ghost films

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Camberwell free film festival at St Giles screenings with accompanying installation artworks and performances.
artists: Charlotte Squire, John Workman, Sarah Doyle, Jennie Fagerstrom, Miyuki Kasahara,Calum F Kerr, Joanna McCormick and Anne Robinson.
The screening is curated by Sarah Sparkes with installations and performances.
B'twixt & between

B’twixt and B’tween is from a series of cabinet pieces this one creating an infinity box of mirrors and glass shards, an intense emotionally charged installation created for the screening of The Innocents.

The Innocents (Dir: Jack Clayton, 1961, UK/US, Cert 12A, 100 mins) is a classic British supernatural gothic horror film directed and produced by Jack Clayton. Starring Deborah Kerr in a career-best performance the film achieves its effects through lighting, music and direction rather than conventional shocks.
Miss Giddens (Deborah Kerr) applies for a job as a governess. It is to be her first position and her employer (Michael Redgrave) confesses to her that he has “no room, mentally or emotionally” for his orphaned niece and nephew. Miss Giddens slowly starts to convince herself that the house, grounds and two children in her care are haunted. The Innocents is based on the Henry James ghost story novella The Turn of the Screw (1898).

Kwaidan (Masaki Kobayashi, 1965, 185 minutes) features dreamlike ghost tales adapted from Lafcadio Hearn’s collections of Japanese folk stories of the same name. This lavish, widescreen production drew extensively on director Kobayashi’s own training as a student of painting and fine arts. Toru Takemitsu’s innovative score compliments the extraordinary and beautiful visuals. This film is rarely screened – don’t miss it!
The film consists of four separate and unrelated stories. The Black Hair, Hoichi The Earless, In a Cup of Tea and The Woman of The Snow.

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